TMJ Symptoms
TMJ may be described as TMD, TMPD, or TMJ Syndrome.
There can be confusion between syndromes, symptoms, and diseases.
A disease usually has a defining cause, distinguishing symptoms and treatments.
A syndrome, on the other hand, is a group of symptoms that might not always have a definite cause.
Click here to see just some of the common symptoms of TMJ Syndrome
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The Symptoms of TMJ may include:
Jaw, face, neck, and shoulder issues
Headaches of varying intensity, especially in the area around the temples
Popping, clicking, or grating noises in the jaw joint
Deep jaw discomfort
Difficulty opening your mouth, speaking or manipulating the jaw from side to side
Dizziness or vertigo
Earache without the presence of infection
‘Glop in the throat’ a sensation of something being stuck that wont go down.
Unevenly worn teeth;
Twitching of the face or eye muscles;
Disordered sleep.
Photosensitivity and sensitive to certain sounds
Bruxism (teeth grinding)
Trismus (difficulty opening mouth normally)
TMJ Causes
There are many reasons why TMJ may develop
Some are more common than others.
e.g. Do you grind your teeth at night?
Many dentists would consider this to be a common cause of TMJ.
Knowing what we now know about fascia and unwinding we may have to rethink this.
It may be more likely that the TMJ is causing the bruxism as the jaw tries to release itself during sleep.
Click here to see more causes of TMJ
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Common Causes of TMJ
Poor bite alignment/poorly fitting dentures, crowns or fillings.
Occlusal imbalances/
Chronic clenching or grinding, especially during sleep/bruxism
Chewing gum on a regular basis (Most people have a dominant chewing side)
An accident, or injury to the neck, jaw, or head e.g. whiplash
A chronic illness, such as lupus, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, sleep disorders, or rheumatoid arthritis
Displacement of TM discs
Malformations of the face, neck, or jaw
Extensive dental work or extractions that put stress on TM joints
Excessive Telephone Use: we tend to bend our head to one side whilst on the phone, or some cradle the phone between head and shoulder.