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TMJ Self-help Online System (TMJSOS)

Please Note: The opening offer prices quoted in the video have expired BUT you can still get access for ONLY £99 today!

Hi I'm Tracey and  I am here to let you in on the best way to help you get your life back from TMJD. 

Millions across the globe have their daily lives made a misery by TMJ face and Jaw pain, and  the craziest part is THEY DON’T HAVE TO


There is a way that:







Over the last 20 years THOUSANDS of people have benefitted from this knowledge, and once YOU understand it, it will change your life forever.


You can buy your access to this groundbreaking system right here NOW or read on to learn more.






I see SO many people crying out for help with their TMJD, I just wish I could get this information to as many people as possible.I’ve been blessed to help thousands of people out of pain and restriction through TMJ face and jaw pain since 2000.


But of course, it wasn’t always that way. 



I remember a time when I was a dental nurse. For 20 years watching people come into the practice in the most terrible pain, and hearing the same phrases over and over. 


  • My Jaw hurts and I cannot eat properly

  • I cant open my mouth

  • My ears hurt and feel stuffy and full but the doctor says they are fine

  • I have crippling migraines and the light hurts my eyes

  • I get dizzy and nauseous but the doctors say there is nothing wrong with me

  • I have terrible toothache in a perfect tooth.

  • My teeth are not meeting properly

  • My face is swollen but I don’t have an abscess

  • My throat feels tight and swollen

  • I grind my teeth and keep my husband awake

  • My eyes hurt and my vision is all blurry

  • I have brain fog and cant think straight

  • I can’t sleep and when I do I snore and when I wake I am exhausted.

  • My lip tingles and my eye twitches

  • I feel like something is stuck in my throat all the time

  • My neck hurts.


I stood and watched as my very brilliant dentist despaired. Whatever they did, nothing seemed to help. Sometimes the symptoms got worse. No one seemed to know what to do.

In the end most people were told they had to learn to live with it.


I loved being a dental nurse and had loved it since I was 16. But I was so upset to see people desperate and in pain without any hope of being free.

I couldn’t believe there was not an answer to this but the symptoms were all so awful and so different for everyone how could there be?


There HAD to be an answer if only I could find a way to help people out of their pain


So what happened?


I changed my career. After 20 years as a dental nurse I decided to learn massage therapy.

I wanted to find a way to work with and help people in pain. Did I think at that point I was going to find an answer to TMJD? 


Hell no. 


If all of these brilliant minds, dentists, consultants, specialists couldn’t figure it out what hope did I have?


BUT maybe I could help people in other ways. 

Maybe I could offer a service to aid their sleep or relax their bodies and take them away from the pain for just a short time


So off I went to massage school.


I was still working as a dental nurse and completed a full year of study when I passed my massage exams and got my qualification.


Then one day my brilliant dentist said he had heard massage could help with something called trigger points.


It took me a while to find ANYTHING about this in the UK at the time. (this was 2000 you know) Eventually I managed to track down a book on the internet on Trigger Points. 


My dentist gave me people JUST LIKE YOU


You know, the ones with all those symptoms JUST LIKE YOU


I started working with them, using the book to help me figure out what was going on in their individual cases based on working backwards from their symptoms to find the cause


And you know what?




One by one their symptoms were easing.


One by one they were getting pain free.


One by one they were getting their life back and doing the things they used to enjoy.


Best of all one by one they had HOPE.


Hope that this wasn’t the way it had to be for the rest of their life.


Hope that one day they would be free of TMJD 


Hope that one day they could just get back to feeling ‘normal’ again


And they did.



I was seeing results in such a short space of time with people, some who had suffered for 25 years


I was SO excited by the results SO I WENT ON A MISSION. 


I read everything I could find on TMJD, chronic pain and trigger points.

I began learning about FASCIA and how it can get stuck and cause pain and restriction around joints.


I started creating a program and called it TMJ Therapy®, that was getting people like you out of pain in less than 6 treatments.

  • After 5 years of developing and refining the work.

  • After 5 years of seeing consistent results with people who had suffered for years

  • After 5 years of developing my knowledge and training in clinical bodywork even further


I JUST KNEW I needed to get this out to as many people as possible.


So, I created a training course so I could teach OTHER therapists how to do what I do and get others out of pain.


And for over 15 years that is what I have been doing, and every day across the UK, USA and Australia those people are helping people JUST LIKE YOU. 


Thousands of people of all ages from 7-70 have benefitted from my gentle effective and affordable TMJ Therapy®



The World Health Organisation states that 1 in 4 have TMJ. And that just those who are LUCKY enough to get a diagnosis!

Many more have the symptoms but have not had a diagnosis because they haven’t put TWO AND TWO together and made the TMJ connect between that crazy eye pain and their toothache.


So although I have trained hundreds of therapists who are helping thousands of people, I needed to find a way to get TMJ Therapy® to even MORE!


SO I developed a whole system just for YOU


My ‘TMJ Therapy® Self-help Online System” or ‘TMJ_SOS”















It's the kind of program that will help you MANAGE YOUR TMJD AT HOME







  • Back to singing at the top of their voice without fear of their jaw locking

  • Back to playing their favourite sport without paying for it afterwards 

  • Back to eating the foods they love without fear of pain

  • Back to getting restful sleep

  • Back to having the energy to play with their kids

  • Back to enjoying evenings out or going for dinner with friends 

  • Back to being able to PLAN your life without worrying you won’t be well enough to carry out your plans




In this powerful toolkit you will find EVERYTHING you need to give you the freedom from TMJ face and jaw pain you are hungry for!



Warning though: this powerful toolkit is NOT for everyone.



We are going to marry and empowering self help massage program with one to one online work with qualified therapists 

So if this is not your cup of coffee, and you prefer to spend thousands of ££££ on treatments that struggle to get lasting results then #BetterBeHonestNow



If you have an open mind and ready to do some ‘other’ kind of work - you will not only love the process of the TMJ Therapy® Self-help Online System— it will re-define the way you look at your TMJ, and help you to create extraordinary relief, with much greater ease!


The best bit? For a limited time I'm offering the  



‘TMJ Therapy® Self-help Online System”

The opening offer in the video has expired but we still have a fantastic offer for you!



You now get all this plus a full online session with an accredited TMJ Therapy® practitioner for just £99 instead of the full value  of £300! 






Here's what you’ll find inside your ‘‘TMJ Therapy® Self-help Online System”




Learn all about the TMJ and how it works


Gather powerful information on TMJD, symptoms, causes.


Understand how they affect YOU


Learn all about TRIGGER POINTS and which ones cause which of your symptoms


Learn about a series of easy exercises to help you manage your TMJ


How to use the ‘TMJ Therapy® Self-help Online System” downloads and videos to harness the incredible benefits this unique process offers and use it to GET YOUR LIFE BACK


5 how to videos breaking it down into easy to understand self treatment techniques



Now it’s your turn!



But first let me tell you about “James”


James was brought to my clinic at the age of 7 by his mum and dad who were desperately looking for an answer


They  had been through months of hell with their little boy when he started having attacks of shooting pain in the left side of his face. They were so horrendous he would scream and pull at his face. 

They took him to the doctors who sent him to the TOP maxillofacial hospital in England. He went through every possible test tying to diagnose the problem. 


In the end he was given a diagnosis of trigeminal neuralgia and offered heavy drugs that are usually prescribed for epilepsy.


Trigemnial Neuralgia used to be known as ‘The Suicide Disease” I had come across cases down the years as a dental nurse, and I knew how horrendous it was and how little could be done with traditional treatments. I also knew that the right kind of massage and trigger point work could help, because I had seen it in my clinic.


James was a hugely talented little footballer. A massive Liverpool fan, he had won a place at a football academy with a world famous premier league club. 


His parents were warned the drugs would seriously interfere with his ability to play football and leave his quality of life impaired, all with no guarantee of any great relief


One of my past clients who I had helped with her TMJD which manifested as horrible migraines ( she didn’t have them anymore) told his dad to bring him to me.


So he did.


When I saw this gorgeous little boy walk in my clinic my heart went out to him and his family. They had been through SO much and were now being given a horrible choice. Stay in this excruciating pain or take the drugs which would change him beyond recognition from the happy, energetic talented young footballer into in his dad’s words ‘a zombie”


I talked him and his dad through my approach and explained everything I was going to do carefully. At that point James was having up to 19 attacks an hour. His dad looked drained and James was in constant fear.


I worked on him with his dad present, slowly and gently, and then booked him in to return the week after.


At his next appointment I asked his dad how had he been. 


“Well Trace he’s had about 3 attacks” 

“An hour?”  I asked, in excitement.

“NO. All week!’ Said his dad.


James just smiled at me.


So we did it all again.

A week later he returned.

“Well?” I asked


“ Not one Trace. Not a single attack all week. And he is back to taking showers which he wouldn’t previously as he felt they set him off”


I was SO pleased for him and his family. But I asked them to come back again just to make sure which they did, a week later.


Still no more attacks,. No drugs. And he was back at his beloved football academy.


We devised a treatment plan with his family which means James comes to see me roughly every three months just to keep an eye on him, but mostly so that he remains in contact with me because as his dad said


‘The biggest thing for James is he is no longer afraid. He knows that if they pain comes back we only have to call you and get him in and he will be right as rain again”


Now YOU can have access to all the secrets and information I used to help that little boy and his family all in the comfort of your own home.


BUT I can hear you ask “Can this really work for me?”

And that’s a good question.

The truth is, I can't make that promise without knowing how serious you are about your health… how confident you are that you deserve better.


But just the fact that you’re here right now says a lot.


You’re already ahead of 99% of other people.


And I know that’s true. Because if this discovery has taught me anything, it's’ that there are two kinds of people in this world - those who get what they truly want in life because they’re courageous enough to try and those who don’t… because they’re just not quite ready yet.


And if that’s you, that’s okay. But this program is for the kind of person who knows what they are worth and the life they deserve and will no longer settle for anything less.


But this work is not just transforming the lives of TMJ sufferers. Massage therapists across the world are being blown away every day by the results THEY are achieving with their clients.


And you can learn what they know right here!




What our Therapists say: 


"When Tracey first started teaching her TMJ protocol in 2005 it revolutionised Myofascial Release and remedial massage. As a former dental nurse she had already gained training and hands-on experience in temporal mandibular joint function. Combining this with her skills as a Myofascial Release therapist resulted in a series of techniques and strategies which rocked the massage world and brought relief to thousands of people troubled by TMJ pain and dysfunction. She has refined her protocol over and over and it is now, I believe, the most effective method available. Thank you, Tracey! “



“I can honestly say I am getting the most incredible stuff going on using this TMJ work with clients particularly the intra oral work and the trapezius work. 

It’s fascinating, with wow moments for when their body releases, particularly the knees, hips, pelvis and diaphragm! 

I love this work. It has very addictive qualities”



“Just saw a client that bad right hip pain, gone after addressing the temporal and intra oral work left side.”


“Just treated a lovely lady yesterday who was on holidays here in Cornwall. Did a very shortened TMJ protocol for her as she was in a lot of pain in her jaw. She was blown away”


“I gave someone their hearing back using just 1 treatment of TMJ work after they'd suffered 10 years of very impaired hearing following an injury - amazing stuff! the consultant had said if they operated it would be 50:50 whether they could get his hearing back or he could loose it all together! I agree, working the fascia is amazing, love it “


“I had a great quote from a retired physiotherapist “I had absolutely no idea how influential the trapezius was, until I experienced this work”.”



“After her first treatment my client told me that her " screaming hot temporal pain and radiating pain” had gone. It now feels like a cold dull ache as if your glands are up in your throat! Yesterday was her first full “toned down” TMJ treatment and as I did her intra oral work something changed and her cross bite righted itself!”




Now YOU can learn these same techniques to use AT HOME and get results like these. 


But first I want to ask you



What's it worth to you to be free of those feelings of desperation and hopelessness for good because you finally have the one skill that’s capable of unlocking true and lasting relief

What’s it worth to never again have to lay awake at night in pain or discomfort knowing that you will be too exhausted to do what you need to do the next day whether that be the job you love or playing with your kids.

What’s it worth to be excited about your life again and feel like you have no limits to what you can do?


Clients I’ve worked with tell me that they can’t put a price on what they’ve learned and what it’s done for their health and quality of life


They simply can’t put a price on the true peace and happiness it brings them 


I am sure your will agree!


SO! I thought to be fair to those people who have paid upwards of £100 an HOUR to work with me to get their results, I should charge at least the price of a consultation right?


But right now you can get the full value of a bespoke assessment, Consultation and treatment plan with a TMJ Therapist plus the full series of self help techniques videos for just £99 meaning a saving of over £200






To GET YOUR ‘TMJ Therapy® Self-help Online System”


Right now you have an important decision to make...

In fact, it’s possible it’s one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make.


It’s a decision that will have a dramatic effect, not only on your health, relationships and social life but also on your daily happiness.


And what it comes down to is this - you can go on from here and keep doing what you’re doing and logically, you’ll keep getting the same results.


But you and I both know that you deserve better than that otherwise you wouldn't be here.


Or right now you can click the button below to get immediate access to the life-changing guide with its powerful secrets and totally transform your quality of life forever.

At the end of the day, I can't make the decision for you.

It’s up to you to take advantage of this deeply discounted price while it’s still available.


All you have to do is click the button below to get started right now. Please Note: The opening offer prices quoted in the video haven expired.




GRAB MY TOOLKIT value £300 Only £99!





Tracey has been a qualified dental nurse and clinical massage therapist for a combined 40 years. 

An esteemed bodywork teacher and chronic pain specialist Tracey holds the highest qualification in clinical bodywork available in the UK today

As a fully  nationally certified teacher Tracey created her own training school Blend Therapy Training, where she teaches a range of courses dealing with chronic pain to other highly qualified massage and bodywork professionals.


After creating her first TMJ Therapy® course in 2005 Tracey went on to develop a year long fully accredited qualification in TMJ Therapy® , the only one of its kind in the world. Her passion for helping others has led to a devoted community of professionals who are helping people with their TMJD every single day. Some have gone on to work alongside top maxillofacial consultants at leading hospitals in London and across the UK.


Since then she has developed specialist courses in working with head and neck cancer and working with intra oral scars to expand therapists knowledge even further.


Tracey is a well known and sought after speaker and author on her specialist subject.


Tracey has presented her work as far afield as Copenhagen where she worked with Gunna Højgaard training therapists at the prestigious MassageSkolen.


She has presented and taught workshops at international events including the British Fascia Symposium, Appears in webinars for leading professional organisations, and has contributed articles to several publications, including best selling textbooks on clinical bodywork and specialist ScarWork.


Don’t let TMJD rule your life any more


Get the ‘‘TMJ Therapy® Self-help Online System”  value £300

Only £99!






This series and the TMJSOS programme will give you: 



Why understanding the relationship between your soft tissues and your condition will change your life!


Visual demonstrations of the exercises which are best for the different problems that arise


Clear demonstrations of how to identify and access these trigger points safely, painlessly and effectively


Go deeper with 1-to-1 advice and support with a qualified and accredited TMJ Therapist


This in depth self directed treatment for TMJ includes


  • Bespoke telephone consultation with a qualified TMJ Therapist who will look at your form and advise and inform you on the best course of action for you based on your own personal information

  • 5-part series of video lessons diving deeper into the intricacies of this much-misunderstood problem.

  • Visual demonstrations of the location of the known trigger points with clear explanations of which are responsible for the many symptoms you are experiencing

  • Visual demonstrations of the exercises

  • Learn all about the more complicated issues including disc displacement, locked jaw (Trismus) tooth grinding (Bruxism) and clenching. Trigeminal Neuralgia, sleep disorders and more.

  • Please Note: The opening offer prices quoted in the video have expired.


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